Metal 3D printing total solution provider


Wuxinglong closely follows the development trends of the industry, continuously strengthens the research and development of core technologies, always adheres to high-quality manufacturing, and strives to become a leader in the additive manufacturing industry and promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry.

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Aerospace manufacturing level is a yardstick for measuring a country's scientific and technological strength, and it also directly reflects the level of development of human technology. Most products are composed of millions of parts, with a wide variety and complex structures, and have extremely high requirements for stability, safety, lightweight, and refinement. Based on this, the design and manufacturing of parts in each link have extremely high process requirements and quality standards. Metal 3D printing technology can fully meet the needs in terms of complex structure forming, lightweight design, and shortened production cycle, and has become the backbone of promoting the rapid development of the aerospace manufacturing industry.
Aerospace manufacturing level is a yardstick for measuring a country's scientific and technological strength, and it also directly reflects the level of development of human technology. Most products are composed of millions of parts, with a wide variety and complex structures, and have extremely high requirements for stability, safety, lightweight, and refinement. Based on this, the design and manufacturing of parts in each link have extremely high process requirements and quality standards. Metal 3D printing technology can fully meet the needs in terms of complex structure forming, lightweight design, and shortened production cycle, and has become the backbone of promoting the rapid development of the aerospace manufacturing industry.
Aerospace manufacturing level is a yardstick for measuring a country's scientific and technological strength, and it also directly reflects the level of development of human technology. Most products are composed of millions of parts, with a wide variety and complex structures, and have extremely high requirements for stability, safety, lightweight, and refinement. Based on this, the design and manufacturing of parts in each link have extremely high process requirements and quality standards. Metal 3D printing technology can fully meet the needs in terms of complex structure forming, lightweight design, and shortened production cycle, and has become the backbone of promoting the rapid development of the aerospace manufacturing industry.
Aerospace manufacturing level is a yardstick for measuring a country's scientific and technological strength, and it also directly reflects the level of development of human technology. Most products are composed of millions of parts, with a wide variety and complex structures, and have extremely high requirements for stability, safety, lightweight, and refinement. Based on this, the design and manufacturing of parts in each link have extremely high process requirements and quality standards. Metal 3D printing technology can fully meet the needs in terms of complex structure forming, lightweight design, and shortened production cycle, and has become the backbone of promoting the rapid development of the aerospace manufacturing industry.
Aerospace manufacturing level is a yardstick for measuring a country's scientific and technological strength, and it also directly reflects the level of development of human technology. Most products are composed of millions of parts, with a wide variety and complex structures, and have extremely high requirements for stability, safety, lightweight, and refinement. Based on this, the design and manufacturing of parts in each link have extremely high process requirements and quality standards. Metal 3D printing technology can fully meet the needs in terms of complex structure forming, lightweight design, and shortened production cycle, and has become the backbone of promoting the rapid development of the aerospace manufacturing industry.

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3DMETAL WERKS has its own core technology!

1. Adjustable parameters: Parameters can be adjusted according to the actual needs of customers to achieve the best printing effect. 2. Joint R&D: Jointly develop the application of various new materials with customers and customize the best product full set solutions. 3. Printing


3D打印,又称增材制造,是一种以数字模型文件为基础,通过逐层堆叠材料来构造三维物体的制造技术。这种技术在航天航空领域有着广泛的应用。 1.复杂零部件制造: 传统


1.石膏 如今在口腔领域中最常见的应用方式就是将光学扫描的模型数据转换并打印出实体石膏模型,还有3D打印的冠桥基牙、美学诊断模型等等。石膏的微膨胀性使得石膏制品


1.口腔颔面外科领域 3D打印技术应用于口腔颔面外科的打印颔面部的缺损的修复、个性化面部手术及口腔内部相关固定装置的制作。3D打印技术使用金属材料作为口腔内部制


随着三维影像成像技术和计算机技术的不断进步, 数字化技术在口腔种植领域中得到极大的发展。 1.3D打印在口腔种植导航模板的优势: 以往的种植手术对术者的经验和技

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